Thursday, March 25, 2010

Its March 25th Already?

Wow where in the world has time gone, so much for me turning into a faithful blogger! Now don't get me wrong I do read many blogs but to update my own is a whole new story! I have a hard enough time changing my status on face book. I guess when you have no Internet at home due to living in the Boonies and Dial up being the only option which I WILL NOT DO, and then I try to be good and save money by getting rid of my blackberry life line this is what Happens! (By the way I have lasted 1yr with out My Blackberry & my withdraw has reached its limits Looking at getting a new smart phone soon!)Well here I sit working on Event stuff for our 2011 Twelve Fridays Weekend Celebration Scrapbook event at Kalahari Resort and Conference Center in Sandusky Ohio it will take place March 25th 26th and 27th 2011 , Lots of details coming soon, Really I promise! Ok until then Hope everyone is Well and Happily Awaiting Spring!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Its Hump Day Everyone!

I am sure most of you know that Wednesday is also called Hump Day , I use to ask why people called it that growing up, now as an adult I so understand, its the half way point that you have either survived almost another crazy week full of things to do, appointments to go to, and try to be faithful to all things you have commited to do.
When you go to a kick boxing class on Wednesday they say it hump day and if you been good so far all week guess what only three more days until your free day which is Sunday, they tell us by all means do your restrictions and workouts all week and on Sunday treat yourself with a day off but to be mindful of what you do and eat as it will take longer to work it off come Monday. I love kickboking class but until my leg &hip get better cant do to much of that.

I have a good friend of mine getting married in June and I am on a goal to finish my weight loss journey by then I have about 60 more lbs to go and its feels like its never going to happen but i am working on it, mostly with my Diet as I cant work out to much with my Hip and Leg issues but at least its a start, I am doing NutriSystem and really its not to bad at all it fills me up and really doesn't taste bad at all. But we will see how the next 4 weeks go. I am scheduled for a massage in the morning to help with the hip/leg issue and maybe by next week I can make it back to the gym and get moving on that side of it. I mean really I can do it I have done it before and I am determined to do it again. Alright on to the next thing on my to do list. God Bless

Friday, February 13, 2009

Wow 2 days in a Row!

I impressed even myself, Austin the Boy I care for didn't have school today so right now he is listening to some tv and I thought , I would run in here and do a post..
Well today the pain is a bit better but I sure hope it goes away all together pretty soon..
I am sure today Spencer will be all sugared up because its the big Valentines Day Party at school today, and I know with just what he picked out alone for his classmates and Friends is enough sugar for a week let alone all the other Kiddos adding to that, so I am sure tonight will be eventful to say the least.
So tomorrow is Valentines Day and My Moms Birthday all in one... So after school Spencer & I are going to go buy some flowers and I am going to let him Deliver them to her at her new job, I am sure he will get a kick out of it and I hope my mom will to, Its nice to have a holiday Birthday with a family member we always go all out for her so, I will for sure have camera in hand and try and post photos afterwards.
Well off to do errands have a great day
Happy Early Valentines Day to Everyone:)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

In Pain but Alive...

So things have been really crazy for me, a while back I fell on the ice and hurt my hip pretty bad and I have been seeing a chiropractor and he is working on helping me but they aren't joking when they tell you that you will be sore 24 hours after an adjustment, sore is one thing but pain that makes you feel as if your going to past out when you apply any pressure to your leg or try to bend is another. That's my oppion anyway, so i have been attached to an ice pack for almost 2 weeks now and been sleeping on the couch as it is firmer than my bed that seems to make it worse. Poor Spencer has had to parent himself this week and deal with areally grouchy MOM, (Buddy I hope you know I love you and its not intentional)
Mike has been out on the road for about 6 days now and was only home about 36 hours from his last 9 day trip and informs me he will be home late Friday and leaves Monday for Texas, I know he is just so tired of being gone and we miss him but it seems its the only way to make ends meet right now so unfortunately we just are going to have to deal with it. I hope he knows how much we appreciate all his hard work and really we do miss him a ton when hes gone.
So how did we all like that tease of a few warm days, I even heard thunder last night and now its 30 degrees and Dropping, Please can we just have spring arrive early?
We had a crop last weekend and I really enjoyed seeing everyone I hope to see you all real soon again.
Well I am going to go try to get somethings done while I am feeling no pain as I am on lots of Motrin, but when it wares off lets just say that not so nice Heidi comes out, trust me its not pretty.
I have a Friend who crops with us Jackie and she made this amazing book out of her blog and it so has inspired me to try and blog more even if they are short and maybe make a book to because it is a great way to keep a journal and one day if I ever get a chance to scrapbook I can use it as a resources tool.
Spencer called a few minutes ago to remind me to go to the store and get his Valentines for school tomorrow, and then ask me if I will fill them out now really hes 11 and I think he can fill them out, isn't the fact that I am going to go get them enough? Boys will let there Moms do everything if they can get away with it, and we wander why our husbands would be lost with out us? Point Proven lol

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I am sick of snow

Okay here I haven't blogged in forever and I am complaining well for those of you who live in Northern Ohio or anywhere North you probably are agreeing with me. Do you realize this is the snowiest winter we have had in over 12 years that's right 12 years already over 60 inches and its just the start of Feb you all know that this means even more snow on its way, not to top the huge blizzard type weather we always get in what we think is early spring then it happens. Okay I do agree its pretty and fun but really it can go away anytime. I remember the past few years I was awful on getting good winter pictures because we has a lack of snow that stayed around long enough, well this year I have more snow pictures than what i know what to do with but I will scrap them someday:) I will try to post some photos tomorrow because I am currently not on my own computer and that's where they all are makes sense huh? Well hope everyone is staying safe and warm more later.....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Okay so I have Been Busy :)

Notice he is wating for food with leg in dish hes a big Pig:)

What a Chunk of a Puppy and Loves to be Held like a little Baby Afraid he wont be little for to long

How Cute is He:)
Really I have been busy but Hey it hasnt been a month yet sense last post so I not to bad right? LOL so lI wanted to share some photos of our new puppy with you his name is Baxter he is a Yellow Lab and he just turned 3 months old and we now fear hes going to be bigger that our 7yr old Black Lab Bear but we love him tons, I Know its a Dog but really his the new Baby:)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Yes I am Going to Do This...

Okay I am using this Blog, I set it up a very longtime ago but never posted anything on a regular bases, but I read blogs all the time and the more I do I think I really need to do this , so for once I am going to try to stick with it. Now don't hold your Breath or anything but I really will try to keep this up.
As many of you know I have a sister Heather who lives in North Carolina along with the most adorable niece and an amazing Brother in law, and often it doesn't seem as if they are that far away because she is a faithful blogger and I read her blog each day, and some days it makes it feel as if shes right next store instead of so far away its uplifting and, so now I will give her a chance to feel that way by being able to read my blog about my crazy days and my part of the family so far away from her.:)
Another reason I have never kept up with this blog is I don't have the Internet at home Yes I know sounds strange but only dial up around us in No Mans Land so I refuse to pay for it but I just found out I now can get it from our satellite company and so soon very soon I will be connected to the world from my Home Sweet Home, How nice will that be, only those who don't have that connection probably understand or just imagine a month with no Internet at home, Yes its that bad.... Only have had it at work and well at work believe it or not I try to get work done so I can go home. okay enough about that.
So tonight I am going to a Friends house for a Girls Night Out and for a cookie bake/exchange well for those of you that really know me your probally thinking she so went and bought those cookies she taking, well your kind of right,lol but remember i said its a bake & exchange? That means we bring our dough and we all cook them at the Friends house hang out and lreave with 8-10 dozen of fresh baked cookies, sopunds Great Right? Well yeah if you like to cook and not just eat cookies, so i will be honest I will be leaving work at 5:45 running to the grocery store buying my alloted dozens of ready to bake toll house cookies and arriving ready to have a great time, Yes I do realize we are suppose to bring our favorite recipe and share well like I said if you know me not much goes on in my kitchen so really my favorite recipe is the Yellow Toll House Packages:) I am sue it will make them all laugh but leave it to me to make everyone night a little more Joyful:)
So I plan on taking some photos and I will post them later to share with all of you what fun we had.
Well for the first post I am rambling so I willlet you all get back to the last minute Holiday madness and I will be back soon, I promise...